
I customize all projects based on customer needs. This is only a very brief sum up of what I do.

Insight analysis

I do deep insight analyses by employing methods such as in depth interviews, focus groups, observations, vox pops and surveys.

I collect thick data by observing and interviewing people. I analyse patterns, challenges and potentials among people and structures.

I map users’ recognized and unrecognized needs and as a client you gain useful and invaluable knowledge. Some of which will be predictable and some of which will blow your mind.



I evaluate projects, initiatives and courses. Most often, I make qualitative evaluations with a strong focus on the short and long term effects and recommendations for future improvements.

My evaluations always integrate a process and change perspective, where I work close together with my clients in order to make sure, that the implementation will follow smooth.

Evaluation is about learning and trying to improve and overcome the difficulties - therefore I mostly do evaluations with a strong learning perspective.

Strategy and process

I help organizations and companies find a direction in an ever changing market with a strategic eye on users and stakeholders.

I involve leaders and employees by listening to their perceptions and perspectives of the world. Together we set the direction for the future and clarify purpose and value proposition.

I work close together with my clients and use my time in the field or at my clients office. That’s where knowledge and value are created.

Workshops, master class and courses

I facilitate workshops and meetings. Maybe you need an objective facilitator in a difficult setting with lots of different stakeholders or you want to engage 50 people in a co-creation workshop.

I have great strength in setting the direction in meetings with different or even colliding perspectives.

I do master class’es and courses concerning applied ethnology and use of qualitative methods.

Quick and dirty stuff

If you are in need of a few in depth interviews or a focus group to gain the first insights concerning a new trend or a new target group. Or perhaps you’re just curious about your guests, clients or users?

How do they think? What are their preferences? And what do they need?

I do small scale projects and formats as well. And in my opinion, you are better off asking one user about her experience than not asking anyone.