What is the value of becoming skilled?
This was the main question that Mejerifagets Fællesudvalg (MFU) asked Christa Brønd to investigate among employees, who have undergone training as industrial operators, warehouse operators and drivers in the dairy industry. MFU asked for an analysis, which aim was to investigate:
• The value of becoming skilled: What value do the employees experience? What value do their managers experience?
• How employees are motivated to become skilled: What does it take to get more employees to want to become skilled? Who drives the development? What does it take for more companies to take advantage of the opportunity to train their employees to become skilled. And why are there many, who do not take advantage of the opportunity?
The analysis was based on in-depth fieldwork in different types of dairies in Denmark. The fieldwork consisted of in-depth interviews with employees and their managers.
Client: Mejerifagets Fællesudvalg (2024).
How can S-train stations become safer and more attractive?
This was a key question, that we asked users at the 98 S-train stations in the capital area. DSB wanted to upgrade the total of 98 S-train stations in order to make the S-train stations and the environments safer, cleaner and nicer.
Together with Sweco, Christa Brønd investigated the train users' experiences at the S-train stations. The focus was on: The urban space, the buildings and the users.
Christa Brønd was responsible for securing the perspective of the users. She used short vox pop interviews and observations on location. The interviews were short and sweet - regarding the fact that S-train station users have very little time, when they travel.
The result was a plan for upgrading all 98 S-train stations.
Client: DSB (2024). Partner: Sweco (Project Manager).
What is good practice when it comes to creating more apprenticeships for carpentry students?
The professional committee for the wood trades construction education has initiated 46 local school projects over the past few years. The school projects aimed to: Create more apprenticeships, increase the number of applicants for the education programmes and increase the quality of the education programmes. In continuation of this, Byggeriets Uddannelser wanted to map the schools' experiences with good practice. Christa Brønd has conducted in-depth interviews with 10 selected school projects in order to:
• Map the schools' experiences with implementing the school projects with a focus on best practice and effect.
• Develop a concept for a conference for the vocational schools, where the purpose was to share knowledge about best practice.
• Provide recommendations for the further work with the school projects, including how to ensure that the projects are implemented in daily operations.
Client: Byggeriets Uddannelser (2024).
The good life in dairy training
Mejerifagets Fællesudvalg (MFU) requested a study of well-being, retention and dropout from the dairy training program. Furthermore they wanted an analysis that could provide recommendations to strengthen the education, so that even more students complete the education.
The analysis was based on solid fieldwork consisting of: Observations of the study environment and teaching at Kold College, focus groups with students and teachers, in-depth interviews with students at risk of dropping out, in-depth interviews with dairies that employ students.
MUF uses the analysis to strengthen dairy education through strengthened collaboration across organizations, schools and companies.
Client: Mejerifagets Fællesudvalg (2024).
How do we get more young people to want to be greenkeepers?
The small vocational education programs are experiencing major recruitment challenges and have difficulty attracting students. This applies to the programs: thatcher, floor layer, paver, roofer, greenkeeper, groundsman, technical insulator, glazier and aluminum installer.
Byggeriets Uddannelser wanted an analysis that provided recommendations to strengthen recruitment to these programs. To meet this, Christa Brønd conducted an extensive fieldwork that examined good practice and good experiences at the vocational schools. The analysis concluded with a seminar, where all relevant schools participated and received the latest knowledge about good practice concerning recruitment and quality.
The result was a report with concrete examples of good practice based on the experiences from the schools.
Client: Byggeriets Uddannelser (2024).
AMU packages a great success or a great failure?
Formandsskabet for Byggeri & Anlæg/Byggeriets Uddannelser wanted a study of the potentials and challenges of AMU packages. The purpose was to examine the potentials from both the schools' and companies' perspectives. The analysis was based on a comprehensive mapping of the schools' AMU package offerings as well as in-depth interviews with both schools and companies. The analysis culminated in an online webinar, where data and insights were presented and discussed prior to the report being finalized.
Client: Formandsskabet BAI & Byggeriets Uddannelser (2024)
Can you create strong communities through collective memories?
With the concept of Erindringsklubber and Thorvaldsenklubber, the Copenhagen City Archives wants to give elderly citizens of Copenhagen the opportunity to share their memories of their own lives in Copenhagen. In the long term, the wish is to create meaningful communities that extend beyond the clubs.
Christa Brønd has evaluated the concept and the evaluation is used politically to highlight the value of the clubs in order to secure long-term funding.
The evaluation was based on observations and in-depth interviews with users, who shared their stories from erindringsklubberne.
Client: Københavns Stadsarkiv (2024).
Following the steps of guests at Thorvaldsens Museum
Why do visitors come to Thorvaldsens Museum? What do they experience when they are there? How do they use the museum and what do they miss? These were just some of the questions that the user analysis gave answers to. The methods were observations of guests, vox pops on location and in-depth interviews with guests. The result was a user analysis with concrete recommendations for what the museum can do to be more for more people in the future.
Client: Thorvaldsens Museum (2024).
How to strengthen the education of receptionists?
Over the past years, the country's receptionist educational programs have had great difficulty recruiting students while at the same time experiencing a large dropout rate among students. There was a great number of statistics documenting the problem, but there was no data on the why. Therefore Uddannelsessekretariatet wanted an qualitative analysis which aim was to find out why the schools have such great difficulty recruiting receptionist students and in addition why so many students drop out without completing the education as a receptionist.
Client: Uddannelsessekretariatet (2023).
When the room carries the conversation
Bakkehuset Museum wanted an user analysis of ‘den nye hjørnestue’ as a conversation room which aim is to engage young people to talk about artworks.
The user analysis was based on in-depth observations of young people participating in a conversation in ‘den nye hjørnestue’. In addition, we made focus groups and interviews with 25 different young people and their teachers. We wanted to find out what the young people got out of participating in a conversation.
Bakkehuset will use the insights to attract more young people to the museum.
Client: Bakkehuset (2023).
Are Danish craftsmen ready for the digital future?
Byggeriets Uddannelser wanted an analysis of how digital the Danish craft companies are. Christa Brønd carried out an in-depth analysis where she interviewed a number of small, medium and large companies about their digital documentation and what challenges the companies face digitally. In conclusion, she gave recommendations for strengthening the craftsmen's digital documentation.
Client: Byggeriets Uddannelser (2023)
What skills do construction workers need?
Christa Brønd carried out a quantitative mapping and in-depth study of the competence needs among construction workers in Denmark. The quantitative mapping consisted of mapping companies and employees in order to get an overview of the size of the industry. The in-depth study focused on mapping the competence needs in the industry. The result was a report that also contained recommendations for revising the job area as well as initiatives to meet the skills needs of the industry.
Client: Byggeriets Uddannelser (2021-2022)
An art strategy sees the light of day in Nyborg
In close collaboration with a number of citizens and art and culture professionals in Nyborg Municipality, we have developed an art strategy for Nyborg, Ullerslev and Ørbæk. The art strategy must ensure that there is more high-quality art in the public space and the strategy contains goals and milestones that must ensure this in a short-term and long-term perspective. The art strategy has been developed based on mapping of existing art in urban spaces in Nyborg, Ørbæk and Ullerslev, city walks and workshops with key stakeholders, cirizens and art professionals. The art strategy has been carried out by the advisory team Umage, Sweco and Christa Brønd.
Client: Nyborg Municipality (2022)
Why is it so difficult to recruit and retain employees in an industry training course?
This was the title of an in-depth barrier analysis that Christa Brønd carried out in the spring of 2022. The challenge is that it is difficult to recruit and retain employees in industry training within construction. The analysis mapped the barriers and came up with recommendations for initiatives to support more employees completing industry training. The analysis examined a total of 6 industry courses, including the scaffolding course and the concrete maker course.
Client: Byggeriets Uddannelser (2022)
How do senior citizens feel safe in their own home?
Aarhus Municipality, Aalborg Municipality and Copenhagen Municipality wanted to strengthen the safety of older citizens in their own homes. The first step was therefore to find out what makes senior citizens feel safe in their own homes. Together with Innoba, we carried out extensive anthropological fieldwork among older citizens to map what security means to them. Based on the analysis, we developed a security wheel, which is a model that the municipalities can use in the future to get an overview of the individual citizen's need for security. In addition, we developed recommendations for various security solutions, which were tested evaluated during the project.
Client: Aarhus Municipality, Aalborg Municipality and Copenhagen Municipality (2021-2022).
What does mean to its users?
Who uses and for what? What does mean to users and why do they search for images? These were some of the questions that the user analysis that Christa Brønd carried out for Copenhagen Municipality had to answer. The study was based on a survey and in-depth interviews with various users of The analysis must be used to document the value of
Client: Copenhagen Municipality (2022)
What competencies are in demand among demolition workers and diamond drillers?
This was the title of an analysis carried out by Christa Brønd for Byggeriet's Uddannelser in 2021. The purpose of the analysis was to map the need for competence among demolition workers and diamond drillers and make recommendations for new educational initiatives.
To get really close to work tasks and practice, the analysis was based on in-depth interviews with managers and employees as well as observations of work tasks on location. It was a field job in safety shoes and with a helmet
Client: Byggeriets Uddannelser 2021
How do You Sustain Democracy?
Christa Brønd evaluated the project Sustain Democracy for Frej Tænketank in the period 2020-2021. The overall goal of the project Sustain Democracy was to give young people a voice in the public debate. The evaluation was a learning evaluation and the purpose was to document whether the project lived up to its quantitative and qualitative objectives. Christa followed the project closely and did in-depth interviews with young users and observations of workshops. This to ensure an agile adjustment of the project during the project period.
Client: Frej Tænketank (2020-2021)
What is quality?
What is quality for Copenhageners when they buy new or used consumer goods? That was the title of an in-depth fieldwork that I did for the City of Copenhagen. The background for the project was that the City of Copenhagen wants Copenhageners to consume more circular and sustainable. To support this, the Municipality needed knowledge about Copenhageners' quality parameters. The fieldwork consisted of in-depth interviews, conversations and observations with Copenhageners based on their experiences with buying new and pre-used consumer goods.
Client: Copenhagen Municipality (2021)
An in-depth analysis of the Danes' attitude to COVID-19 vaccination
For the Danish Health Authority and in collaboration with Advice, Christa Brønd conducted in-depth interviews with 68 Danes. The purpose was to map the interviewees' attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination with a focus on pains and gains concerning vaccination. The insights from the extensive fieldwork are continuously incorporated into the Danish Health and Medicines Authority's campaign work regarding COVID-19 vaccination.
The purpose of the campaign is to inform about vaccination and ensure that as many as possible are vaccinated against COVID-19.
Client: The Danish Health Authority (2020-2021)
An in-depth analysis of well-being and study intensity among students
The Danish School of Media and Journalism wanted an in-depth study of the students' well-being and study intensity in one of the school's programs. The study mapped well-being and study intensity among the students based on in-depth interviews with students and teachers. The delivery was a concise and action-oriented report that became the basis for a dialogue with teachers and management about future efforts to increase well-being and study intensity among the students.
Client: The Danish School of Media and Journalism (2021)
Evaluation of Go Creative
The childhood dream wants an in-depth and action-oriented evaluation of project Go Creative. The purpose of the evaluation is to document the value of the project. The focus is on how Go Creative is used and works in practice, and what value it creates for the users. Finally, the evaluation should provide actionable recommendations for the development of Go Creative 2.0.
Client: Barndrømmen (2020).
Evaluation of the project: Sustainability confused?
We have been given the task of evaluating Tænketanken Frej's latest project: Sustainability confused? The purpose of the project is to reach the young population with nuanced knowledge of current issues within sustainable food production and consumption, so that young citizens get an understanding and interest in the nuances and solution potentials. The evaluation is based on observations, on the spot interviews, in depth interviews and focus groups.
Client: Tænketanken Frej (2020-2021).
Presentation and workshop on culture assumption and experiences
Inspirational presentation and mini workshop on what is driving our culture and experience consumption right now. The presentation focused on the trends driving cultural consumption based on big data facts and statistics as well as thick data stories from the field. Christa also highlighted cases from the culture field that are particularly successful in attracting a wide guest audience. Also the aim was to discuss how museums can develop services, products and activities knowing that their guests have various and changing needs and expectations.
Client: Designmuseum Denmark (2020).
In-depth trend spotting and consumer trends concerning akvavit drinking
Christa Brønd made an in-depth trend analysis for Balls Agency/Aalborg Akvavit. The trend analysis focused on consumer trends and target groups concerning akvavit drinking. The overall question was: What drives akvavit consumption and which values matter to people. The overall aim was to revitalize the akvavit brand.
Client: Balls Agency/Aalborg Akvavit (2020).
Online presentation on in-depth methods and thick data
Presentation on user studies and in-depth methods. As part of a teaching course, Christa Brønd conducted an online presentation on in-depth methods for 37 students from the School of Media and Journalism. The presentation focused on introducing the students to use in-depth methods such as interviews and observations. The presentation was kept online and included exercises and common reflections.
Client: The Danish School of Media and Journalism (2020).
Members analyses and strategy input for the Outdoor Council
Christa Brønd conducts the Outdoor Council's member analysis. The purpose of the analysis is to map the members' satisfaction as is and also thick data stories about their use of the Outdoor Council and which value they gain from their membership. Furthermore, the survey and in depth interviews with members will gain input and insights to be used to develop a new strategy for the Outdoor Council.
Client: The Outdoor Council (2020).
Green urban space lift and citizen involvement for Næstved Municipality
In close collaboration with Thing Brandt Landscape, we carried out a process where the purpose was to develop sketches for urban space lift in four center cities: Fensmark, Tappernøje, Glumsø and Fuglebjerg. To ensure that the solutions were owned by the citizens, we involved the citizens through ethnological city walks and coffee salons. The purpose was to get citizens' input and narratives about their city so that the new urban spaces and meeting places supported everyday life and social relations. The product was a catalog of analyzes and sketches that Næstved Municipality and the four cities are now going to implement.
Client: Næstved Municipality (2020).
Presentation on the Danes cultural consumption
Danmarks Radio hired Christa Brønd to make a presentation on what drives the Danes culture and experience consumption today.
The presentation focused on the trends driving cultural consumption based on big data facts and statistics as well as thick data stories from the field. Christa also highlighted cases from the culture field that are particularly successful in attracting a wide guest audience. The purpose was to inspire because Danmarks Radio was developing a new culture programme for DR1.
Client: Danmarks Radio (2019).
Evaluation of “100 Jorn Eksperimenter”
Museum Jorn required an evaluation of the experiment book “100 Jorn eksperimenter.” Christa Brønd made an evaluation that mapped the geographical distribution of the book. How many children in Denmark had received a copy? And where? Additionally, an evaluation that focused on the use and perception of the book among the users was carried out. The evaluation was based on in depth interviews with teachers, parents and experts as well as observations and vox pop interviews of children doing the experiments in school. Museum Jorn uses the evaluation and recommendations to anchor the book among teachers, parents and children in Denmark.
Client: Museum Jorn (2019).
Strategic and engaging process
Friluftsrådet required an engaging and strategic process in connection with the distribution of funds within the areas of outdoor life, health and civil society. The wish was to invite the applicants to a dialoguebased process with a clear goal, namely a desire for broad partnerships. Christa Brønd assisted Friluftsrådet in designing an engaging process. The process commenced with interviews of the potential applicants focusing on identifying needs, ideas and themes. The interviews was a starting point for designing a project workshop for potential applicants. The project workshop had two primary purposes; to matchmake health organizations with outdoor actors / organizations and initiate collaborative relationships. The long-term ambition is for the strategic distribution process to result in solid project applications based on strong partnerships and future impact.
Client: Friluftsrådet (2019).
Evaluation of public private innovation partnerships
INNOBA and Christa Brønd are evaluating the preliminary experience of the program “Innovasjonspartnerskaper” on behalf of Innovasjon Norge. Currently, fourteen projects are in the programme and both public and private participants' experiences are evaluated. At the same time, the developed collaborative model for public-private innovation collaborations with innovative procurement is evaluated. The evaluation maps and evaluate good advice for other public institutions and private companies who wish to initiate public-private innovation. Finally, the preliminary effects on project participants of being part of a government-sponsored program that contributes with financing, skills and sparring are uncovered. Innoba holds the project leading of the evaluation.
Client: Innovasjon Norge (2019/2020).
User insights on pilates users
House of Pilates wanted to gain insights on their customers in order to strengthen the companys value proposition and activities. Christa Brønd facilitated a process, where she held two focus groups with customers from House of Pilates in order to gain deep insights on their training habits and needs. The customers revealed thick data stories on why they joined House of Pilates, their values and needs concerning their training. Afterwards she held a workshop for the instructors and CEO of House of Pilates where the insights were discussed and qualified. House of Pilates uses the insights and recommendations in order to make a strong value proposition, activities and communication.
Client: House of Pilates (2019).
Evaluation of Teksperimentet
Fonden for Entreprenørskab required an evaluation of Teksperimentet. Teksperimentet, which is part of The Technology Pact is a teaching course in primary school for students in 4 th and 5 th grade. The aim is to support student’s experimental and investigative behavior in their encounter with technology. The evaluation is based on qualitative methodology including explorative and anthropological methods such as in depth interviews, process interviews and field observations of students and teachers attending Teksperimentet. Christa Brønd holds a smaller role in the evaluation and has helped Lind Perspective, who has the project lead of the evaluation, to conduct fieldwork and data analysis.
Client: Fonden for Entreprenørskab & Lind Perspective (2019).